landscape man


       My first thought was to make him like almost heavenly, so with this beautiful pink cloudy sky as his suit print, then this exquisite renaissance painting in the background. But my plans were not so when I say a friend of mine in the class doing something pretty close, so I decided to go with the design I have now. I was going to also but clouds in his hair because his suit is like the “ground” and his hair is the sky but when I put the clouds on the hair it didn’t look realistic enough to my liking. 

       With Jarod I started on his suit. When I was looking through Unsplashed I didn’t know what to look for after I couldn’t use the clouds, but after just looking up random things I come across the flowers, they where beautiful and I just knew they where the one! Then when I started the hair with the clouds and they didn’t work I was stuck. But then like fate I was listening to an album and I looked at the cover with those colorful lines outlining the singer I thought it was so cute and knew that was what I wanted to do. On his face you might see it almost looks a little exaggerated, well it was pretty much that dramatic but I did add a a layer with some contouring on his face.

      For this project I really didn’t have a specific vision. I just knew I didn’t want it to look fake and dramatic. So I tried to go with the most realistic cute thing I could think of. I think it’s cute, it didn’t end up with all of the things it needed, its very understated but I think that’s fine.

