My Vector Portrait
I had a few ideas for what i wanted my picture to be, like maybe a picture of my sister or my mom but i ended up choosing a picture of myself. Posterizing the picture was pretty easy but in the long run i didn't feel like it helped the vector very much. Putting everything onto Illustrater was easy, but i din't really get the point of having the two pictures.ProDuction:
My experience on Illustrator was a little bit of a struggle, there was a lot of user error. I learned that i have to make full shapes and not just lines that look like triangles. I organized my layers with my picture layer on bottom and then on top i just had a layer called lowpoly. With all my struggles i had to problem solve pretty quick, I stayed after school, i re did most if not all of my vector and only turned it in like a day or two late.
Post Production/ Final product:
i am not upset with it but i know if i would have done it right from the beginning it would have ended up much better. I would change the triangles and made them look more like the picture of Brenden Uri on the instruction sheet.
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