Semester two

I didn't like any of the projects because I always had a really cool idea but never the skills to do it. A lot of the projects that we did took me like a month because I got confused and lost easily. And apparently Im not very creative so how could I do a good job at any of them. I just really learned how to use Illustrator and a little bit of photoshop. I took a lot of feed back because as you know i don't have the ability to make anything creative. I had to adjust and make a lot of changes in my projects so i could do them with my ability.Although i sure do think my work ended up just dandy.

I never finished any projects early. But if i did id probably just go and like make a little side project or something. I never thought of researching ways to improve my skills as a graphic designer. i always critiqued my projects, i always wanted to improve them. Outside of class i do a lot of photography which i think helps improve my artistic skills. 

i honestly cant think of any strengths.

I need to improve on thinking about all the details instead of thinking about the big picture. I also should think about improving on my technical skills. Maybe even improve on my creative thinking skills. 

I loved making new friends and learning about photoshop. I would like to change how harsh i was graded on a lot of my projects. My goal for next year is to earn a crap ton of endorsement hours. Thats the end...
